Setting Up Virtualbox On Mac

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Setting Up Virtualbox On Mac

Boot up your virtual machine. Once the operating system is installed, your virtual machine is ready to go. Simply double-click the name of your virtual machine in the left menu of the VirtualBox main page to start it up. The virtual computer will boot and load into the operating system that you installed. Your virtual machine will run in a window. VirtualBox 6.0 is the no-cost, open-source virtualization app that may be all you need for running Windows or Linux apps on your Mac, especially if you're willing to get your hands dirty.

Several days ago, I hit an interesting problem slash snag. Well, more sort of an operational challenge that reinforced my liking for VirtualBox. Namely, I wanted to setup a small private network with several virtual machines. One machine would be a server, and others would be clients running agent software and reporting to the server. Sounds simple. Except all my NAT-ed machines were getting the same IP address:

Mac OS X build instructions Prerequisites on Mac OS X. Building VirtualBox. Change to the root directory of the sources and execute the configure script:./configure -disable-hardening You can manually set the target architecture with -target-arch=x86 or amd64. It can run everywhere from small embedded systems or desktop class machines all the way up to datacenter deployments and even Cloud environments. The following screenshot shows how Oracle VM VirtualBox, installed on an Apple Mac OS X computer, is running Windows Server 2016 in a virtual machine window. If you're setting up a VM for a server that demands heavy processor use, your best bet is to up the amount of CPUs VirtualBox will hand over to the VM. With the VM powered down.

Indeed, if you're using the most basic VM setup - your machines use a single NAT adapter, and as it turns out, each machine gets the exact same IP address, even if they are running in parallel. This means you can't really have a network. Well, not this way. But there is a way. We've talked about VirtualBox network & sharing at quite some length in the past, and I'd like to show you a few more network-related tricks. After me.

Setup NAT network

The solution to this issue is to create a NAT network that all your relevant VMs will share. This needs to be done as a first, separate step through the Preferences menu in the VirtualBox main interface. Simply add a network, and then tweak its settings. While the wizard is simple, it's super powerful. You can give the network any name you want, and also pretty much any routable range, including how many hosts you'd like this network to support. You can allow clients to get dynamic IP addresses or even set them up manually.

But there's more. You can also use IPv6 - and even configure port forwarding, so if you have multiple NAT networks, they can talk among each other - or rather, individual hosts will be accessible from the outside, as I've recently shown you in my VirtualBox port forwarding tutorial. You can create one or more networks.

Setup VM & network configuration

The next step is to associate this network with your virtual machines. For the desired adapter, under Attached to:, select NAT Network, and then in the second dropdown just below (Name), select the name of the network you've just created. Slack technologies salesforce. Since each VM can have up to four networks by default (through the UI), you have a lot of flexibility in setting up complex network configurations.

That's it. Next time you boot your VMs - and if you're using DHCP - one by one, they will be assigned different addresses. I tested, and for instance, in one particular scenario with two machines running, the first got the standard assignment -, but the second one had You can use nmap to search for hosts on the network, if you need to discover them.


Simple, but hopefully quite useful. I've seen a lot of forum posts where baffled VirtualBox users ask why all their machines have the same addresses. Perhaps it is not instantly clear that each NAT-ed host lives in its own isolated network environment, and that they don't automatically share the same virtual router. This is probably for security reasons, because you may have insecure or noisy VM in the system. Anyway.

VirtualBox is powerful and flexible, and it has what it takes to generate fairly complex configurations network-wise. We covered quite some today, including the different options you need to get your hosts to share the adapter and get assigned IP addresses from the same pool so that they can talk to each other. Well, that would be all for now. Happy virtualization.


Here I explain how to install Windows on a Mac using the (free) virtualization software, VirtualBox.

VirtualBox is free software that allows you to install different operating systems on your machine. By using VirtualBox, you can install Windows on your Mac. This enables you to run Windows-only applications on your Mac.

Here are the main steps involved in installing Windows on a Mac:

  1. Download and Install VirtualBox
  2. Create a Virtual Machine
  3. Download and Install Windows

Here they are in more detail.


Boot up your virtual machine. Once the operating system is installed, your virtual machine is ready to go. Simply double-click the name of your virtual machine in the left menu of the VirtualBox main page to start it up. The virtual computer will boot and load into the operating system that you installed. Your virtual machine will run in a window. VirtualBox 6.0 is the no-cost, open-source virtualization app that may be all you need for running Windows or Linux apps on your Mac, especially if you're willing to get your hands dirty.

Several days ago, I hit an interesting problem slash snag. Well, more sort of an operational challenge that reinforced my liking for VirtualBox. Namely, I wanted to setup a small private network with several virtual machines. One machine would be a server, and others would be clients running agent software and reporting to the server. Sounds simple. Except all my NAT-ed machines were getting the same IP address:

Mac OS X build instructions Prerequisites on Mac OS X. Building VirtualBox. Change to the root directory of the sources and execute the configure script:./configure -disable-hardening You can manually set the target architecture with -target-arch=x86 or amd64. It can run everywhere from small embedded systems or desktop class machines all the way up to datacenter deployments and even Cloud environments. The following screenshot shows how Oracle VM VirtualBox, installed on an Apple Mac OS X computer, is running Windows Server 2016 in a virtual machine window. If you're setting up a VM for a server that demands heavy processor use, your best bet is to up the amount of CPUs VirtualBox will hand over to the VM. With the VM powered down.

Indeed, if you're using the most basic VM setup - your machines use a single NAT adapter, and as it turns out, each machine gets the exact same IP address, even if they are running in parallel. This means you can't really have a network. Well, not this way. But there is a way. We've talked about VirtualBox network & sharing at quite some length in the past, and I'd like to show you a few more network-related tricks. After me.

Setup NAT network

The solution to this issue is to create a NAT network that all your relevant VMs will share. This needs to be done as a first, separate step through the Preferences menu in the VirtualBox main interface. Simply add a network, and then tweak its settings. While the wizard is simple, it's super powerful. You can give the network any name you want, and also pretty much any routable range, including how many hosts you'd like this network to support. You can allow clients to get dynamic IP addresses or even set them up manually.

But there's more. You can also use IPv6 - and even configure port forwarding, so if you have multiple NAT networks, they can talk among each other - or rather, individual hosts will be accessible from the outside, as I've recently shown you in my VirtualBox port forwarding tutorial. You can create one or more networks.

Setup VM & network configuration

The next step is to associate this network with your virtual machines. For the desired adapter, under Attached to:, select NAT Network, and then in the second dropdown just below (Name), select the name of the network you've just created. Slack technologies salesforce. Since each VM can have up to four networks by default (through the UI), you have a lot of flexibility in setting up complex network configurations.

That's it. Next time you boot your VMs - and if you're using DHCP - one by one, they will be assigned different addresses. I tested, and for instance, in one particular scenario with two machines running, the first got the standard assignment -, but the second one had You can use nmap to search for hosts on the network, if you need to discover them.


Simple, but hopefully quite useful. I've seen a lot of forum posts where baffled VirtualBox users ask why all their machines have the same addresses. Perhaps it is not instantly clear that each NAT-ed host lives in its own isolated network environment, and that they don't automatically share the same virtual router. This is probably for security reasons, because you may have insecure or noisy VM in the system. Anyway.

VirtualBox is powerful and flexible, and it has what it takes to generate fairly complex configurations network-wise. We covered quite some today, including the different options you need to get your hosts to share the adapter and get assigned IP addresses from the same pool so that they can talk to each other. Well, that would be all for now. Happy virtualization.


Here I explain how to install Windows on a Mac using the (free) virtualization software, VirtualBox.

VirtualBox is free software that allows you to install different operating systems on your machine. By using VirtualBox, you can install Windows on your Mac. This enables you to run Windows-only applications on your Mac.

Here are the main steps involved in installing Windows on a Mac:

  1. Download and Install VirtualBox
  2. Create a Virtual Machine
  3. Download and Install Windows

Here they are in more detail.

Download and Install VirtualBox

How To Install Mac Os On Virtualbox

To run Windows on a Mac, you need to use virtualization software such as VirtualBox. While there are other options available (such as Parallels and VMware Fusion), VirtualBox is free. And while Bootcamp is also a free option, it doesn't let you run macOS and Windows simultaneously (you have to reboot the machine every time you want to switch to the other operating system). So with VirtualBox you get the best of both worlds — it's free, and it allows you to run both Windows and macOS simultaneously so you can switch between them as required without having to reboot.

  1. Download VirtualBox

    Go to the VirtualBox download page and click OS X Hosts.

  2. Install VirtualBox

    Double-click the VirtualBox.pkg icon to install VirtualBox. This will enable you to run VirtualBox from your Applications folder.

Create a Virtual Machine

Now that you've installed VirtualBox, you can create a virtual machine. This virtual machine is where you'll install Windows.

Setting Up Virtualbox On Mac Computer

  1. Launch VirtualBox

    Launch VirtualBox via the Applications folder (just as you'd launch any other application).

  2. Start the Wizard

    Click New to start the process of creating a new virtual machine.

  3. Name and Operating System

    Enter a name for the virtual machine (make it descriptive, such as Windows 10 or similar).

    Also choose Microsoft Windows and select the 64 bit version (unless you have reason to choose the 32 bit version).

    Click Continue.

  4. Set the Memory Allocation

    Use the slider to specify how much memory is allocated to the virtual machine. I selected 4 GB (4000 MB), which should be sufficient to run SQL Server inside Windows. If your Mac has a lot more RAM, then you might be able to allocate more to the virtual machine.

    Click Continue.

  5. Hard Disk

    Leave it at the default setting and click Create.

  6. Hard Disk File Type

    Leave it at the default setting and click Continue.

  7. Storage on Physical Hard Disk

    Leave it at the default setting and click Continue.

  8. File Location and Size

    Leave it at the default setting and click Create.

  9. Done!

    Your new virtual machine has been created. It appears in the left pane of the VirtualBox home screen.

    This is where you launch your virtual machine from whenever you need to use Windows.

Download and Install Windows

Running Mac Os In Virtualbox

  1. Download the Windows Disk Image

    Go to the Windows download page and select the latest version of Windows. Follow the prompts to download the ISO file to your Mac.

    Alternatively, go to the Microsoft Evaluation Center and download a free evaluation trial. This is the option I used in this tutorial. This tutorial uses the Windows 10 Enterprise Evaluation edition (which is free to use for 90 days).

    Download the file to your VirtualBox VMs folder (e.g. /Users/Dave/VirtualBox VMs/) or move it there once downloaded.

  2. Start the Installation

    Double-click on the virtual machine that you created previously.

  3. Select the Windows Disk Image

    Use the interface to browse to, and select, the Windows ISO file that you downloaded.

    Click Start.

  4. Select Language, etc

    Select your language and other preferences, then click Next.

  5. License Agreement

    Select I accept the license terms and click Next.

  6. Installation Type

    Select Custom: Install Windows only (advanced).

  7. Select the Drive

    Here, the 50 GB drive (that you created when you created your virtual machine previously) should already be selected. If not, select it.

    Click Next.

  8. Select Keyboard Layout

    Select your preferred keyboard layout and click Yes.

  9. Add Another Keyboard?

    Click Skip (unless you want to add another keyboard, in which case click Add layout and follow the prompts).

  10. Join Domain

    Microsoft wants you to sign in but for the purposes of this tutorial, we won't be doing that.

    For this tutorial, click Domain join instead.

    If you have an account with Office 365 or other business services, then feel free to sign in using that account instead.

  11. Add Name

    Add your name (or pseudonym) and click Next.

  12. Confirm Password

    Enter your password again to confirm and click Next.

  13. Cortana?

    Click either Yes or No depending on whether you want to use the Cortana personal assistant. (In this case I chose No.)

  14. Privacy Settings

    Disable any privacy settings you want to, then click Accept.

  15. Finally.. Done!

    Windows is now installed. The Windows desktop is displayed, and you can now go ahead and start using Windows on your Mac!

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